Total Hours for Week 17:  7

This week we had an away game against Malone University.  I helped Coach Ison with the conditioning workout on Monday.  I typed and printed the strength training workout for the week to give to the athletes.

I assisted the athletes with their weight training workout throughout the week.  Any assistance they needed in the weight room I would help them with.  Some needed to be spot when they were doing their lifts and other I helped ensure they were doing the lift correctly.  I made sure the athletes would put the weights the used back on the racks when they were done with them and if they forgot to I would put the weights back.  At the end of the week, I cleaned the weight room and put the bands up for the next week.  On Saturday, I helped Coach Ison with the warm-ups and stretches before the game and with the stretches after the game.  We lost against Malone University this week.

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